Middle School Newsletter for October is now available. Please check it by clicking or copying the link below. An important link to conferences sign-up is included in the newsletter. https://www.smore.com/0nte9
over 4 years ago, ParchmentMiddle
Thursday/Friday Students of the month for September
over 4 years ago, ParchmentMiddle
Students of the month T/F Oct
Panther P.R.I.D.E Students of the month (September)
over 4 years ago, ParchmentMiddle
MS- StotM September
Panthers, Do not forget to logon tomorrow.
over 4 years ago, ParchmentMiddle
Middle School Wed Schedule
Parchment Middle Students: Good Morning Panthers! Remember to log in to your Google Classroom today. Your teachers have posted assignments for you to work on independently during your at-home days.
over 4 years ago, ParchmentMiddle
Reminder: Families who have selected PVA or KVIC for their student(s), and need a Chromebook may pick one up on Thursday, 9/3 from 9-12pm at the Middle School.
over 4 years ago, ParchmentMiddle
Middle School drive-thru event takes place tonight from 5-8. Please join us. Informational packets and required paperwork will be handed out at this time.
over 4 years ago, Glenn Woodley
Attention 6th Grade Families, If your student(s) are interested in joining band, there is an instrument fitting at the middle school on Thursday 8/27/20 from 4-6 pm. Please wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines.
over 4 years ago, Glenn Woodley
Join us @the middle school for 6th grade and new student orientation. Click the link for more information and to sign-up. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1F04_WSwRHrS7whghH4tpYKWY08KC9C9OojOL_J4ZfS4/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, ParchmentMiddle
Parchment School District's Reopening Plan. https://5il.co/j3f8
over 4 years ago, PSD
You can enroll your student in grades K-12 2020-2021 now! Please fill out the following enrollment form: https://bit.ly/3i91GDI
over 4 years ago, PSD
You can enroll your student in grades K-12 2020-2021 now! Please fill out the following enrollment form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXTVW17wuPsla_fHL-g0U9MXYT5lvn9czRrdNtKhEi1qwx_w/viewform
over 4 years ago, Parchment School District
Current Events for Wednesday May 20, 2020 #weareparchment https://youtu.be/gyabzzmfRtc
over 4 years ago, Parchment School District
ATYP through WMU is offering many of its middle school and early high school programs online this summer! Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch receive a discounted tuition. Check out this link for more information
over 4 years ago, Parchment School District