Parchment News

Parchment School District Families,

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has updated its MI Safer School Guidance for managing COVID-19 exposures in K-12 school settings.  Effective immediately, the Parchment School District will be following the updated guidance.  The document from MDHHS is linked here and can be found on our website.

 Overview of Major Revisions:

Students, teachers, and staff who test positive for COVID-19 and/or display COVID-19 symptoms should isolate regardless of vaccination status:

  • If positive with no symptoms, monitor for symptoms from day of exposure through day 10 of isolation; and  
  • Isolate at home for 5 days (day “0” is day symptoms begin or day test was taken for students, teachers, and staff who do not have symptoms); and  
  • If symptoms have improved or you continue to have no symptoms, return to school, while wearing a well-fitted mask, for days 6 -10; or 
  • Stay home for 10 days if unwilling/unable to wear a mask.
  • If you have a fever, stay home until you are fever free for a period of 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.

Close contacts of a COVID-19 case do not need to quarantine at home if they: 

  • Had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days; and/or 
  • Are up-to-date on all recommended COVID-19 vaccines for which they are eligible
  • These contacts should still monitor their symptoms and “Mask to Stay” for 10 days from the date of last exposure.

Close contacts who do not meet the criteria above need to quarantine OR may test to stay and/or mask to stay. Exposed individuals may:  

  • Home quarantine for days 1-5, if feasible test on day 5, AND “Mask to Stay” for days 6-10; or 
  • “Test to Stay” for days 1-6 AND “Mask to Stay” for days 1-10; or
  • Home quarantine for days 1-10 if unable/unwilling to mask.

Students, teachers, and staff should monitor for symptoms throughout quarantine period (days 1 through 10). Day “0” is day of last close contact with any COVID-19 positive student, teacher or staff. If symptoms develop, get tested.   

  •  Test to Stay: Test every other day for 6 days following the exposure and consistent and correct use of a well-fitted mask. 
  • Mask to Stay: The consistent and correct use of a well-fitted mask when around others and in school and public settings.

 Below is a graphic to assist in ease of interpretation of the new guidance: (Graphic is also in the guidance document)


Please contact your building with any questions regarding the updated procedures.

Thank you for your continued support.



Jason P. Misner
