Parchment Schools News

High School Families, 

Mr. Misner announced today that the High School is moving to distance learning for the remainder of the week of 1/24 - 1/28. The following information contains the expectations, and procedures for distance learning starting Tuesday, Jan 25th. Students will follow their normal daily schedule and log in through their google classrooms every hour for every class. 

  1. All students are expected to log into their classes on time, ready to learn. 

    1. Attendance will be taken each hour.

    2. Each teacher will have a google link posted.

    3. Work will be posted in google classroom.

    4. All students are expected to do their assigned work as normal

    5. Some of the teaching staff are out with COVID and will be unable to be present in a google meet. They will communicate directly with their students to inform them of the expectations for class that day. 

    6. CORE - this is part of the instructional day and attendance will be taken. 

  2. Students involved in KAMSC, EMC, EFE, EFA, Dual Enrolled, etc. are expected to continue to attend classes as normal. 

    1. Transportation for off campus programming will run as usual.

  3. Athletics/extra-curricular activities - will continue to run as normal unless otherwise noted.

    1. All athletes are expected to attend all classes to be able to participate as normal. If you miss classes you will not be eligible to participate in your activities for that day. 

    2. Contact Mr. Davis if you have questions or concerns.

  4. Lunch will be available for students to come in and eat in the cafeteria from 11:00-12:45.

    1. Use the athletic entrance to the building only.

Please have students communicate with their teachers with specific questions. Please call the office if you have questions. The plan is to resume face to face learning on Monday the 31st. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to work our way through this situation. 

George Stamas

Sonja LeRoy

Brennan Davis

Daily schedule is below.

Regular Full Day Schedule

7:45-8:49 1st Block

8:54-9:58 2nd Block

10:03-11:07 3rd Block

11:12-12:46 4th Block and Lunch

A Lunch 11:07-11:37

B Lunch 11:42-12:12

C Lunch 12:16-12:46

12:51-1:55 5th Block

2:00-2:30 CORE

Dismissal at 2:30