
10th, 11th & 12th Grade Parents,

Due to the recent changes in MDHHS guidelines we are making adjustments to the Panther Pawlooza. This event will be for 10th through 12th grade students and parents. 9th Grade students will receive their information during Freshmen Orientation and do not need to attend the Pawlooza. 

The Panther Pawlooza “Pick-up” for the 2021-2022 school year will be on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

We strongly recommend that all parents & students wear a mask and social distance when possible.

Individuals will enter the building, return their paperwork to the front table and proceed to the following locations:

10th Grade – Commons

11th Grade – Multipurpose Gym

12th Grade – Main Gym

Pictures will be taken first and then the students will pick up their schedules and sign out a chromebook.

Please fill out and return the following items (all items are in the packet that was mailed to you) If you did not receive information in the mail please contact the main office at 269 488-1100.

Student Profile – update demographic information that is used for mailings/emergencies

“Acceptable Use Protocol” form - allows each student access to computers/internet

Chromebook “device” Agreement

Chromebook Insurance 

Directory Information Release

Transportation Request (this form MUST be filled out for each student)

 Our hope is to make this evening run as smooth as possible. Hope to see everyone on Wednesday, August 25th.


George Stamas                        Sonja LeRoy

Principal                                  Assistant Principal