Parchment High School Hybrid Families,

The Health Department has mandated that all high schools in Michigan go fully virtual starting on Wednesday November 18th through Wednesday December 8th. This is certainly not what we want or planned for. Both the staff and the students have worked hard to make the Hybrid work and it is working. To date we have had zero cases of COVID-19 passing from person to person in our halls. Unfortunately, we do not have the option to stay face-to-face.

So where does that leave us now? The high school staff met Sunday evening after the Health Department announcement and Monday after school to determine how we are going to finish the trimester. The big issue is Exams and not being able to take them Face to Face as planned. There is also not enough time to create something secure for Virtual Exams. 

Exams for trimester one will now follow the following format:

  • The Hybrid A and Hybrid B students will now all be taking Exams on Thursday and Friday (11/19 & 11/20).
  • Exam grades will be evaluated based on the following rule: if the exam brings the students’ grade down the exam will NOT be counted. If the exam brings the students’ grade up it WILL be counted.
  • There will be no virtual school next week for both the Hybrid A and Hybrid B students.

In talking to Hybrid A students Monday, they were worried about less time to prepare and study if we moved Exams to this week. When I discussed the above policy, and explained the Exam could not hurt their grade, they felt strongly this would work and that this new policy took their stress/anxiety way down. Given the changes and the short time frame, this action makes the most sense for students’ success.

Hybrid Exam Schedule – now fully virtual

Thursday 11/19 All Hybrid Students

  • 1st – 3rd hour classes will follow the normal times. Teachers will be online to answer any questions or help students.
  • 4th Hour Exam: 11:42-1:01
  • 5th Hour Exam: 1:06-2:30

Friday 11/20 All Hybrid Students

  • 1st Hour Exam: 7:45 – 9:00
  • 2nd Hour Exam: 9:05 – 10:20
  • 3rd Hour Exam: 10:25 – 11:40

* Students with an IEP or accommodations will still receive them. Special Education Staff will be in contact with students and families.

*Information regarding 2nd Trimester will be sent out later this week along with textbook collection/drop-off dates.




George Stamas
